
If your TomTom accepts SD cards, it is strongly advised to leave the SD card that comes with the TomTom in the initial state, and use a new SD card to avoid any risk of loss of software or maps. If not, make at least two backups of the contents of the SD card or internal hard drive before installing the software.

Connect the TomTom to your PC (Windows 2000 or later, Linux) or your Mac, using the USB cable. Turn it on. The TomTom asks you if you want to connect to the computer, answer YES.

If the TomTom Home software opens automatically after you connect the TomTom in, you can close it, it will not help. The SD memory of TomTom is seen by the PC as a mass storage device.

Software Installation

TomTom models with one memory card only (internal or external)

To install ttMaps, just unzip the archive into the SD card, respecting the directory structure. The archive contains the ttMaps and SdkRegistry folders.

TomTom models with two memory cards (an internal one and an external one), except the TomTom One XL

Some models, like the TomTom GO720, have two SD memories. Generally, the internal memory is almost full, so it is better to install ttMaps on the external SD card.

Normally, the Linux system of the TomTom (file ttsystem) is installed on the internal SD memory only. However, some users have copied the entire contents of the internal SD memory to external SD memory, so the system is present on both SD cards. In this case, the system installed on the external SD memory is used.

To install ttMaps on the external SD card:

If you prefer to install ttMaps on the internal SD card:

TomTom One XL

This model has two SD cards, but they are not used simultaneously: inserting an external SD card disables the internal one.

Two solutions are possible:

"ttMaps only" installation (no TomTom software)

If you want to use only ttMaps on your TomTom, you don't need to keep the TomTom maps and application software. Copy into the internal memory or the SD card:

Software Update

To install a new version of ttMaps, it is not necessary to remove the old. Just unzip the archive exactly as during the initial installation, by replacing all the old files with new ones. Thus you'll retain preferences, maps, POIs, tracks, routes, DEM files, custom cursors and arrows of the old version.

The only exception is projections. If you have added your own projections, you'll need to add them again. Therefore it is better to ask me to add them to the standard version of ttMaps (See Adding datums and projections).

Installation of maps

Generally, a country is covered by a series of maps sharing the same scale and the same projection. The digital maps are cut into tiles of equal size (eg 10km x 10km). Thus, the map of France at 1/25000 scale consists of 5800 tiles. ttMaps was designed to handle maps made up of thousands of tiles.

Files constituting a map must be installed in a folder having the same name as the map, itself placed in the subfolder "Maps" of the folder "ttMaps".

Requirements on projections

All tiles in a series must use the same projection and the same datum. For example, it is not possible to mix maps projected in Lambert II extended with maps of Corsica projected in Lambert IV. Similarly, it is not possible to mix maps using the datum NTF with maps using the datum RGF93.

The tiles may have different sizes and different scales (But, be careful, read this). They may overlap, but it is not recommended because it will slow down the display.

Choice of the order of series

It is the alphabetical order of names of series that will determine the order of the series when you will scroll them by pressing the buttons Series+ and Series-. As this is not always the preferred order, it is possible to prefix series names by a two-digit number, followed by the character "_". The prefix will be deleted when displaying the name of the series.


You have three sets:

Default is that BlueMarble will be displayed first. If you prefer to see maps TOP25 first, and BlueMarble last, rename the series as follows:

Updating maps

After you have added or deleted maps, it is necessary to reindex the maps. To do that, there are two possibilities:

Last modification : 04/11/2011